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Targeted Advertising on

Targeted ads on will let you place ads on pages that are already getting visitors looking for related content.

Example: If you have a site dedicated to informing the public about the latest news on wi-fi, then placing an ad on our wifi page will get your site noticed.

This is a limited time offer. We will run your ads on a monthly subscription basis, until you cancel or until this offer expires. When this offer does expire, we will run your ad for an additional month as a special Thank You, for choosing

We wont make empty promises, like you will get rich running ads on our site. We hope you will, but only our visitors really know what they are looking for and we rather let them decide what they like. (The customer is always right.)

When placing an ad, ask your self, if you would visit that site if you didn't know who they were? Honesty pays! And you want people to pay you what you are worth, don't you? Honesty gets paid twice, once for finding you and twice by people that recommend you based on your outstanding service.
Our page has limited space, so when the these limits are used up, ads will be rotated on a random basis. Which means your ad will appear on ramdom page loads. Since ads are on a monthly run, we will not place limits on how many times your ad is seen or clicked, just how many months they run (depending how many months you pay for).
All advertising is subject to the same terms as listed on our policies page. <=== READ FIRST
We will NOT allow any sign-up recruiting for the Gratis Network. (FreeStuff) ad scampaigns.

In addition, we will not run affiliate buttons from two or more people trying to earn points for the same service. (Example: 2 or more ads for new customer sign-ups for PayPal.)
Here are some of the one's we already have, so please do not run parallel ads for these:
PayPal, NameCheap, HotScripts, FireFox, more may be added. (Check first)

Advertising rates for this promotion..
Domains hosted on
Month long banner price = $3.00
Domains not hosted on
Month long banner price = $4.00

Banners will appear on LEFT MARGIN of targeted page somewhere below the rack unit. The width is limited to 160 dots or less and the height can be from 25 to 200 dots tall.

OR rolling banner size limits are:
Image file format(160 x 50) recommended: GIF or JPG only.. OR
Image file format(160 x 100) recommended: GIF or JPG only..

Place your banner on for one month.
Use this page after you are ready to get visitors..
Website URL
Banner URL
Image file format(160 x 50) recommended: GIF or JPG only.. OR
Image file format(160 x 100) recommended: GIF or JPG only..
You pay $
Choose $3.00 if you have a domain hosted on That is a 25% savings for our customers!
If you experience any difficulties with the paypal payment process initiated from this page. Use the contact link on the Rack and tell us what happened, so we can correct the problem....
Not registered for PayPal? Click here. It's fast, easy and secure!
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